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About HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound)


HIFU is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure used for skin tightening and rejuvenation. It utilises focused ultrasound energy to target specific layers of tissue beneath the skin’s surface without harming the surrounding tissues.

At My Skin Lounge we utilise the advanced technology of the DualHI+ to help you achieve remarkable results in non-surgical skin tightening and rejuvenation. The DualHI+ is an all in one 3rd Generation HIFU for the face and body. The new breakthrough technology and winning features of this remarkable new age HIFU are features no other HIFU on the market has.

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Applications of the DualHI+


  • Forehead
  • Eyebrow lifting
  • Nasolabial fold
  • Neck Skin tightening
  • Double chin
  • Checks
  • Breast lift
  • Flanks
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs (inner & outer)
  • Forearm
  • Hip-up

When will I see results


Some may see an immediate lifting effect immediately after the treatment, up to a 20% immediate result can be visible. However, the real results can take up to 12 weeks whilst your new collagen is forming. These results will continue to improve over the next 6-months post treatment as the collagen fibres regenerate.

How many treatments do I need?

When treating the face 1-2 treatments are recommended depending on skin concern, age, health and lifestyle - over a course of 12months.

How long will treatment last?

Once desired results are achieved, results will last 18-24 months - as we age our natural collagen and elastin depletes causing sagging to the face and body. If fat cells are destroyed this will be a permanent result if you maintain her weight, health and lifestyle. Using at home corrective skin care and SPF will prolong results, our clients receive optimal results by having regular in clinic treatments to maintain there skin.

Preparing for HIFU (Pre-care)

  • NO Tanning or direct sun exposure to area you are wanting to treat for 2 weeks prior to treatment
  • STOP using ACTIVE SKINCARE (Retinol , Vitamin C, Exfoliating Acids for 5 days prior to your appointment)
  • 3 Weeks post Anti-Wrinkle injections (Botox / Dysport)
  • 6 Months post Filler injections - on area you are wanting to treat with HIFU (if you have unwanted filler call us to discuss options to help dissolve)
  • Any Facial treatment you must wait 2 weeks before HIFU treatment

Post care for HIFU

  • Skin can appear flushed for up to 48hrs post treatment - make up can be worn 24hrs post treatment (mineral makeup is recommended)
  • Keep skin well hydrated and drink lots of water, at least 2 litres per day.
  • Refrain from exercise for the first 24h.
  • DO NOT apply hot water to treated area for 5 -7days post treatment - Luke warm to cool water only.
  • Avoid saunas, Hot Yoga, smoking and alcoholic beverages during the first week following treatment.
  • Avoid over exposure to the sun for the first month, and use SPF daily & reapply to maximise your results. - NO DIRECT TANNING OR SOLARIUM TO TREATED AREA FOR 2 WEEKS post treatment
  • A histamine reaction can occur post treatment, as HIFU is heating the deeper layers of the dermis to 60-70 degrees - if this occurs contact the clinic and we can assist you with how to bring this down quickly.
  • Check with your Therapist as to when you can continue any facial treatments post HIFU

Get the best results

Discover our range of products designed to enhance your treatment experience and achieve exceptional outcomes.


Our cutting-edge technology ensures that you benefit from the latest advancements in beauty and skincare.


Our skilled professionals are dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty and well-being.


Experience undeniable results that speak for themselves at My Skin Lounge.